“Carmine has helped us optimize our routes, reduce idle times, and improve customer expectations. The time saved from bothering our technicians in the field—who may or may not be able to answer—is alone worth the price of admission.”
“Carmine gave me control of time and places of my vehicles, and as time is money, the benefit is reflected in productivity.”
“I had no idea what was going on in my own business. Now I can make sure all of my drivers are working efficiently and on time, which has made customers very happy.”
“I appreciate your business!”
“Carmine benefited me by tracking my vehicle and making sure it was going where it was supposed to go and do what it was supposed to do and make sure they were driving the trucks safely. I started using Carmine because it made my vehicles more efficient and helped me keep track of my employees. The two biggest improvements are being able to change the route to improve the efficiency and the arrival time to the next location. If someone I knew was on the fence about Carmine, I would tell them that they would be able to save money and have peace of mind knowing where and how their trucks were being driven. And that customer service was top of the line.”
“Carmine has been a very useful tool for me. First, and most important, is the customer service. They will work hard to see that you get what you need. I was impressed with the ease of operation. So much info at your fingertips. Real time positioning, speeds, and locals, accelerations and emergency braking. Thanks guys.”